Wednesday, May 16, 2012

RI Model for Child Trauma

Did you know there is a Rhode Island Model for child trauma?

Earlier this year, Family Service of RI, along with the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) and the Providence Police, showcased it at a national conference.

In fact, the Child Welfare League of America sees us as a leader.  "I consider Family Service of RI, the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families, and the Providence Police to be leaders when it comes to infusing the trauma-informed approach into the work of child welfare," said Julie Collins of the League.  "They have been doing this much longer than most agencies and we are excited they agreed to share their wisdom and experience."

The RI Model involves:
  • 24/7 response to children and families exposed to trauma;
  • A focus on prevention and early intervention;
  • A Family Service of RI worker riding along with the Providence Police on routine patrols as well as during narcotic raids;
  • Increasing knowledge through cross-training on trauma-related subjects;
  • Monthly case consultation meetings including other community partners;
  • Family Service of RI being provided space at DCYF for trauma consultations and referrals.
"When a child and family enter into a state's child welfare system it is usually the result of abuse, neglect, crime, violence or something related," said Susan Erstling, Ph.D., who heads Family Service of RI's trauma and loss center.  "The idea is to move quickly to respond to the stress to lessen potential lasting effects."